Sorry for my absence from blog land this week, it has been a bit crazy here. Work was mad, I work in a doctors surgery and you be would amazed at what a few extra closure days can do! It's like people panic-buying in the supermarkets, only it's with their prescriptions.
Also this week we have decided to move, which means LOTS of sorting out and not much time for crafting (boo hoo), I'm dreading the time between packing and selling when all my crafting stuff will be packed away.
However in the sorting out of my craft space, I came to realise that I have far more stamp sets than I imagined, don't get me wrong I'm not completely in denial I know that I have lots, I just didn't realise that I currently have 67 stamp sets with a couple more ordered today. A lot of which have only been inked a handful of times and some never. So I have decided that this will have to change, I love my SU! stamps I don't want to have to sell any so they have to be put to good use. I am guilty of having favourite sets (I'm sure I'm not the only one) and it was pointed out to me, that I seem to put a butterfly on everything!
From now on I am on a mission to use a different set for each card I make until I have used them all!
I'm starting off with a set that I have used before but a stamp that has never seen ink, called Notably Ornate. Now that I have used it I can't believe that I haven't inked this baby up before, it is gorgeous, there is so much detail in it that it makes a great focal point for a card. I've covered up the 'no 5' in the corner with the swallow from the set, which I have used before, once. This has been teamed with the Love letter paper pack, which I have loved so much that I think I will have to be ordering another soon! I have based this card on the Mojo Monday sketch, although I have changed the shape of the focal point and didn't add ribbon (most unlike me) I didn't have any matching colour ribbon left.
Please confront me, by letting me know if you share this problem of buying things and guiltily not getting around to using them, it can't just be me.
Happy crafting