Friday 20 May 2011

Easel For Ruth


Sorry for my lack of posting this week, I thought I'd scheduled this post but I must have just thought about doing it, and not actually done it, hopefully this doesn't mean I'm going completely mad!!

You may remember I received a card a little while a go from the very thoughtful Ruth over at Flower Sparkle, (her blog is amazing, so please do go and check it out) if you missed her gorgeous her you can find the post here.

Well I wanted to make her a card in return, and I wanted it to be a special card. So I had a go at my very first easel card, I have always thought that these cards looked really complicated but It was actually much simpler than I expected and very fun to do!
Ruth had posted about her fear of orange, this is a fear that I share coupled with yellow, these colours scare me so I wanted to try and make a card using this colour. I decided on the in-colours Peach Parfait and Pear Pizazz.

So what do you think? Not bad for my first attempt. I actually quite like this colour now, I think because it's not a really bright orange, and aren't these FREE (level 1 hostess) papers just gorgeous!

Well I hope you'll pop back tomorrow, for challenge Saturday. It's officially my favourite day of the week!


  1. just love the colour scheme for this fab card!

  2. A beautiful card and lovely colour combo :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Thank you SO much for this beautiful card Kelly, it was a real treat to receive this beautiful happy mail! It's on display in pride of place and won't be taken down any time soon LOL!

    I loved the design so thank you as well for inspiring me to make my own version - it's a layout I may well use again! Ruth x


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, I love to know what you think!